“But Mum, come on!”
Ferocious Pete was a Mummy’s Boy.
Not in a weak sense. In a sweet caring way.
Ferocious Pete, the Fiercest Man in the East, loved his Mum.
Right now however, his Mum was being a tad annoying.
“You can’t leave now. There’s a million things to do. We’ve got the Imperials to harry, the Colonials to betray and the Loyalists to meet head on. It will be a busy week. And …”
His mother, beautiful still at ninety years of age, watched her son with a mixture of compassion and toughness.
“And I need you Mum.”
Raising her hand to his face required effort, but most things worth doing did.
“You are my Pete.”
And with a sigh the mother of Ferocious Pete, Fiercest Man in the East, left her little boy alone in the world.